


Enclosive Flow Cell (EFC)

Beamline Setup:

This cell can reach liquid nitrogen or liquid helium temperatures and is used for the study of gases, particulates and/or cluster species. The cell can operate in two modes: flow-through or static mode. The cell can be used in the static mode. Please ask THz beamline scientists with regards to flow-through experiments.

General Hazards and their mitigation:

The use of liquid nitrogen and liquid helium with this experimental setup means that all safety protocols to do with cryogenic handling must be followed. A face shield and gloves are required PPE for using cryogenics under pressure. While connecting or disconnecting pipes, these should be worn.


As THz radiation is readily absorbed by water, please ensure that your samples have as little water in them as possible.

A protocol for using any gases

It is recommended to talk to your beamline scientist about the best approach for your samples.

Users must continue to fill in the sample hazard matrices in the EA form.


This document is intended to aid experimental setup and completion of the EA form. Users will follow any setup and guidelines contained within this document.



If some gas is accidently vented to the room then follow safety protocols outlined in your EA. This will be different for different types of gas.

If a toxic/harmful gas is accidently vented, even through the venting system, please ensure that a GCSE is submitted to ANSTO by your beamline supervisor.


Samples should be returned to your facility and disposed of there. Discuss any other arrangements with your beamline scientist.

Safe shutdown procedure:

“in the event of an evacuation of the facility / incident, what steps should be taken to make the equipment safe” ?

Close the beamline gate valves.




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