MEX Beamlines

MEX Beamlines

Welcome to the User Wiki for the Medium Energy X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Beamlines (MEX-1 and MEX-2)


Potential NEW Users MUST CONTACT BEAMLINE STAFF at as-mex@ansto.gov.au to discuss the proposed measurements before submitting their proposal

We are not currently offering microprobe capability. The capability schedule below will be updated when the microprobe is ready to be rolled out.

XAS experiment.png

STEP 1. Preparing a MEX Proposal


Preparing your MEX proposal


STEP 2. Preparing for Beamtime


STEP 3. After your Beamtime


STEP 2. Preparing for Beamtime


STEP 3. After your Beamtime


Choosing an X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Beamline