XAS Beamline

XAS Beamline

X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) is a versatile tool for materials science, chemistry, and biology. By probing how x-rays are absorbed by core electrons of atoms in a sample, the technique can reveal oxidation states and local atomic structure around selected atoms.

Technical Information

Find out more about XAS capabilities and sample environments, and get help with experimental design and sample preparation. 

Proposal and Beamtime Guides

Before submitting a proposal it is important to read our guidelines for the specific information we require. Find the guidelines and other important information here.


Find links and information regarding accessing your data and the software used at the XAS beamline, including Athena, Artemis, and our in-house software Sakura.

Publications with XAS

Find publications from the XAS beamline, enter your XAS publication details, and find information on how and when to acknowledge the beamline and beamline scientists.

XAS User Manual

Use this link to access the full Beamline Wiki - Password required!

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