IRM Beamline

IRM Beamline


The infrared microscopy beamline analyses a diverse range of samples for chemical and structural information; from bone to meteorites to electrochemical cells to plant material to cheese to paint, the possibilities seem almost endless!

There are predominantly two reasons to utilise synchrotron-FTIR microscopy:

  1. To gain spatially resolved information about a sample through raster mapping (point-by-point measurements of individual spectra that are stitched together)

  2. To acquire single point spectra on samples which are too small for laboratory-based instruments

We love our beamline, and we think you will too! Here are the people to contact if you want to chat about potential projects using the IRM instrument.

Ready to write a proposal? Find below some of the commonly requested information.

To find out proposal application deadlines follow this link and look under the merit access drop down: ANSTO website - access information

Submit all proposals via the Australian Synchrotron User Hub: https://userhub.synchrotron.org.au

Contact the IRM team by emailing: as-irm@ansto.gov.au

A general introduction to IRM

Beamtime (and beyond)

Sample Preparation

During Beamtime

Post Beamtime

Data Analysis


ASMG Workshop 2023_IR data analysis.mp4
Australian Synchrotron Microscopy Group Workshop 2023: IR data analysis (fundamentals)

Video download link (1080 resolution)


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