MX Experimental Authorisation (EAs)

MX Experimental Authorisation (EAs)

Every experiment carried out at the Australian Synchrotron (by staff or by users) must have a completed Experimental Authorisation form filled out ahead of beamtime.

ALL samples and chemicals being brought on site must be listed on this EA.

General EA information can be found here

Quick Reference Guide can be found here

Because we are high throughput and frequently deal with frozen samples, MX EAs are different to general facility EAs.


Protein Crystallography (PX)

If you are bringing RADIOACTIVE cryo-cooled material

Contact beamline staff.

If you are bringing/sending FROZEN SINGLE CRYSTALS

Mark that you are bringing non-hazardous, single frozen crystals when asked in the Portal
(Q1, Q2 and Q3).
No further actions needed.

If you are bringing/sending trays for preparation/hand mounting on site

Mark main hazards in the Portal
Complete the PX Sample Spreadsheet and indicate hazards according to the spreadsheet instructions.

(Click for template, or find it in the Portal)

Chemical Crystallography (CX)

If you are bringing RADIOACTIVE material

Contact beamline staff.

If you are bringing/sending FROZEN SINGLE CRYSTALS

Mark that you are bringing non-hazardous, single frozen crystals when asked in the Portal
(Q1, Q2 and Q3).
No further actions needed.

If you are bringing samples for preparation/hand mounting on site

Mark main hazards in the Portal
Complete the CX Sample Safety Sheet for each of your samples.

Please combine all sample safety sheets into one document, and submit them under Additional Documents in your EA.


A total of 15 users can be listed on each EA (on-site and remote).


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