SAXS/WAXS Beamline

SAXS/WAXS Beamline

The SAXS/WAXS beamline is a flexible x-ray scattering facility due to the design of the optics and a highly adaptable endstation and sample stage. The primary roles of the beamline are 2-D SAXS and WAXS in transmission or grazing incidence geometry using a large area in-vacuum Pilatus3-2M detector. A small dedicated Pilatus3-100k WAXS detector can also be used for simultaneous SAXS/WAXS measurements if needed. A flexible sample stage is used to support many sample types of in-air or in-vacuum sample environments, either provided by the beamline or you can set up your own. The vertical focusing mirror bounces the beam down allowing grazing incidence measurement on solid/gas or solid/liquid interfaces.

The beamline's capabilities and measurement performance are supported by amongst the easiest to use control and data processing systems you'll find anywhere.

The beamline utilises an undulator source that provides a high flux to low scattering angles to a minimum q limit of 0.0012 Å-1. The optics are stable and highly automated, for example providing easy, fully automated energy changes by Users during an experiment. Additional details of the optics may be found on the SAXS Specifications page. Details of the Q-range accessible for different arrangements of the SAXS camera may also be found on the SAXS Technical Specifications page.

The detectors are inside a large vacuum vessel and fully motorised to permit fast, automated camera length changes at any time during your experiment. You will easily be able to change camera length during your experiment according to your plan, or as results indicate as you go.

An on-axis video camera allows parallax-free sample viewing and alignment at all times before and during exposure. This enables precise and rapid sample alignment allowing high throughput and small samples.

If you have any questions regarding the beamline or experiments on the beamline please contact the beamline staff listed below.

For general information about Small Angle Scattering the canSAS website provides a range of resources and tools.




Order your free copy of "The SAXS Guide" here: 

© Anton Paar


Watch our beamline video here: 

Find the fundamentals explained here:

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→ Webblog about SAXS

© Brian Pauw

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Beamtime and beamline updates

SAXS / WAXS Beamline specific guidelines on how to prepare a beamtime proposal can be found through this link: 

Beamtime Guide - SAXS/WAXS

Beamline Team

Dr Nigel Kirby

Principal Scientist

Dr Pablo Mota-Santiago

Beamline Scientist

Dr Livia Salvati Manni

Beamline Scientist




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