



Beamline Setup: The ATR is installed on the sample compartment. Samples are in air at ambient temperature (unless heated).

General Hazards and their mitigation: Always use the lint free material provided, with Isopropyl alcohol to clean the diamond crystal; if Isopropyl is not strong enough, Acetone can be used.


Always collect a background spectrum prior to placing your sample, and compare it to the original background measurement; this will enable you to detect any contaminants still remaining on the crystal;
Samples should not be left in contact with the crystal for an extended period of time since some samples may degrade the crystal material and discoloration of the metal plate can occur. Once the measurement has been made, remove the sample from the crystal and clean the surface of the crystal and the surrounding plate area with a suitable solvent.
When swapping samples, ensure that the anvil is fully retracted, this ensures the diamond window is not accidently cracked when flipping the anvil down into position.

Samples: The ATR can take samples of almost any kind. Although powders and wet samples are the most common. This is because the sample can be measured without mixing it with anything else. Wet samples are not easy to measure normally as: a) they can’t be put under vacuum easily – the ATR is our only technique that doesn’t require the sample to be under vacuum, and b) Water absorbs very strongly in the THz region. Samples can be heated to 300 degrees, but are not cooled. A Perspex box cover is available so gaseous environments can be made.

Users must continue to fill in the sample hazard matrices in the EA form.

Spills: Remove the sample from the crystal and clean the surface of the crystal and the surrounding plate area with a suitable solvent

Disposal: Samples should be returned to your facility and disposed of there. Discuss anything else with the beamline scientist.


This document is intended to aid experimental setup and completion of the EA form. Users will follow any setup and guidelines contained within this document.

Safe shutdown procedure: “in the event of an evacuation of the facility / incident, what steps should be taken to make the equipment safe”

If there is time, remove your sample, close the beamline gate valves and turn off any heating being used.




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