Filling in the robot spreadsheet

Filling in the robot spreadsheet

The robot spreadsheet needs to be submitted for the proposal and EA. It is an additional tab at the bottom of the sample spreadsheet. Click here for an example of the robot spreadsheet. This first line has been completed

Please see FAQ on the difference between PD and a laboratory XRD instrument

Fields required to be filled in for the robot spreadsheet:

  • Sample ID Put the same as the File Name

  • Holder ID The pin numbers can be left blank when submitting your proposal but they need to be filled in when submitting your EA. This is the number on the pin/base you receive in your sample box. Each pin that you received has a number, i.e PD123. Please put this in the holder ID column of the robot spreadsheet so we can identify each sample.

  • File directory We will change this, but keep it as /beamline/data/user/data

  • File name This is your sample name. Remove spaces and special characters from sample names as our systems don't like these. No spaces & no special characters. Underscores are good.

  • Positions This is the number of detector positions. Keep this as 2.

  • Repetitions Keep this as 1.

  • Pos1 value Keep this as 2. If you have low angle peaks and are measuring at 21 keV, 1 can be used but this is the lowest angle we can reach for the program.

  • Pos2 value Keep this as 2.5. This should be 0.5 higher than the pos1 value.

  • Pos3 & 4 value Keep as zero as we do not offer 4 position collections for the mail-in program.

  • Acq1 Add the collection time. 150 seconds per position is a usually good if you are not sure.

  • Acq2 Use the same value as input for Acq1.

  • Acq3 & 4 Keep as zero as we do not offer 4 position collections for the mail-in program.