Data acquisition times based on number of co-added scans

Data acquisition times based on number of co-added scans

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The table below will help you calculate how long each sample will take to measure.

For example, if you wanted to map an area in transmission mode that covered a sample area of 40x40 μm2 with a step size of 2 μm (to over sample), that would be 21x21 (441) individual sampling points. Add an extra 44 measurements for repeated backgrounds (this number is variable) makes 485 individual measurements. If you require 64 scans per measurement to get sufficient signal-to-noise quality, your map would take 485 x 18 = 8730 seconds, or about 2.5 hours.

The trade off?

For better signal-to-noise you will need to do more co-added scans. This will vary from sample to sample, and can range anywhere between 4 and >1024. If unsure, please contact a Beamline Scientist to discuss your project ideas.

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