MEX2 Sample Preparation

MEX2 Sample Preparation


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MEX2 currently offers standards for measuring phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine. These are the only reference samples available for beam calibration at this time. If you’re interested in measuring other elements within the MEX2 energy range, you are welcome to bring your own standards. We are actively working on expanding the range of standard materials to support users measuring additional elements within MEX2’s capabilities.


Sample Holders

MEX2 sample holders are different to MEX1.

  • Fluorescence and drain current measurements: MEX2 has adopted the magnetic mounting ruler type sample holder (“sticks”) used on SXR fast NEXAFS chamber. SXR sticks are interchangeable on MEX2, with the exception that on MEX2, samples may be mounted on both sides of the stick. The most convenient method of mounting most samples for fluorescence and drain current measurements is to stick them to the ruler with double-sided Carbon tape. To visualize the beam, the first ~ 7 mm of the ruler will be left blank for the adhesion of a white film (Photos below) that glows when struck with X-rays.

Users are able to purchase the rulers (Toledo 150MSE) and mount samples prior to arriving at the beamline. This can also be done at the beamline (in the case of non-hazardous samples) or in the Synchrotron’s Chemistry lab. Carbon tape and fluorescent paper are available at the beamline.



MEX2 Sample Holders


To visualise the beam, the first approximately 7 mm of the ruler will remain blank for attaching a phosphor paper that glows when exposed to X-rays (shown in this picture).





  • Transmission measurements: the mounting ruler has windows (Photo A) allowing various transmissible samples to be mounted (Photo B). Transmission measurements and sample preparation is difficult at the MEX2 energy ranges. If transmission is your only option, please contact the MEX beamline scientists before submitting your EA to discuss its feasibility, as the transmission is almost impractical to perform at MEX2. Choosing the wrong acquisition mode could result in your EA being rejected.



Sample preparation kit

MEX2 uses a ruler mounting system that allows stacking up to 16 samples vertically, as shown in the image below. Additionally, we offer small brass coupons that enable stacking up to 30 samples on one side of the ruler.



We have designed a sample mount kit specifically for MEX2 users, as shown in the picture below.

If you would like to receive the kit before starting your beamtime, please contact the beamline scientists well in advance, and they will assist you with the process.

Contact the beamline scientists well ahead of time.

Our beamline scientists on MEX2:

Dr. Bruce Cowie (brucec@ansto.gov.au)

Dr. Negin Foroughimehr (foroughn@ansto.gov.au)



The document below will guide you through the sample preparation for MEX2.

All instructions regarding sample exchange procedures under vacuum and Helium at MEX2 can be found in the link below:

MEX2 Guidelines & Instructions

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