User interfaces

Also known as Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) these are the windows which you will want to have open to collect and view your data.

GUI name

GUI screenshot

Important features

GUI name

GUI screenshot

Important features

Quick Access Toolbar, aka PyPanel


Links to the crystal camera, beam camera, Controls GUI, Collection GUI, Robot and sample centering webpage, ADXV, and Quick Access list.

CAP user changer


This is accessible via the Quick Access list.
Use this GUI to select your name so that your data goes into your folder. And if you are doing chemical crystallography, make sure this is selected!

Facility Status Monitor

This is accessible via the Quick Access list.
If you have no beam and you are not sure why, please check this. If there is a beam dump, there will be messages on this page telling you what has happened and how long it may take to fix.

MX1 Controls - User Controls


The main tab of the MX1 controls GUI. Here you can open and close the Mono Shutter (needed for getting beam into the experimental endstation), see the current energy, see the flux, and see if beams steering is happy.
If any of the circles under the Energy Change Health heading are red, there is probably a problem and please talk to staff.

MX1 Controls - Energy Changer


Here you can change the energy. Please go to Options>User Level>Scientist to have rights to change the energy.
Set the energy you want in the “Set new Energy to” box and click Change Energy or Change Energy Staff. Wait until all the circles have gone green again.
It is a good idea to discuss with staff before changing the energy substantially, as this may not be right for your experiment, or we will need to check that the beam is still centered.

MX1 Controls - Distance selector


This tool will calculate the maximum resolution possible at different detector distances, for the current energy of the beam.
If you want to increase the detector distance because your spots are close together, it is worth checking what influence this will have on your resolution.

Longer detector distance means lower resolution

MX1 Controls - Lights, camera, attenuation!


Here you can turn off the sample light, which is useful for light sensitive samples.

You can turn down the camera quality, which is useful if you are working remotely and your internet is slow.


MX1 Controls - Crosshair


Accessible via the Lights, camera, attenuation! tab, and the main MX1 controls tab. Here you can change the colour of the crosshair where you should center your sample. You can also change the size of the crosshair, and the GUI will tell you how big the crosshair is. Handy for measuring your crystal dimensions.

MX1 Controls - Mini Kappa


If you have a monoclinic or triclinic crystal, or just want to put your crystal into a new orientation, you can use the mini kappa. Follow the instructions to collect a full sphere of data. See for more details.

You will then need to merge the runs together to get complete data.

See for more details.

MX2 Controls - User Controls


Here you can open the Mono Shutter (needed for getting beam into the experimental endstation), see the energy, check the flux, change the microcollimators, and check the monochromator crystal.

If you want to change the energy, you may need to change the monochromator crystal via the Change DCM Crystal tab. See for more information.
See here for more information on the

MX2 Controls - Change DCM Crystal


There are only a set range of energies available for each setting of the monochromator.

DC – Double crystal – 8.5-17.5 keV (up to 21.5 keV with staff assistance)

CC – Channel cut –8.5-13.5 keV

See for more information.

Robot Controls - Mount


This is where you can select the pins/pucks you want to mount. They will show up in the mount queue, then you click Mount or Mount and Prefetch each time you want to mount the next crystal.

See for detailed instructions.

Robot Controls - Sample Centering


Here is where you click to center your crystal. Make sure your crystal stays centered on the crosshair at all angles.
If you can’t see your crystal, try rotating 90 degrees or clicking to the right of the field of view, as the pin may be a bit short and so it not showing up in the camera.

Robot Controls - Pucks


This will show you which pucks are loaded in the robot dewar and their positions. Use this information to decide which pucks to queue first.

This page is accessible via the Quick Links tab of the Robot Controls webpage.

Eiger Collect Tab - Screening tab


All the variables you need to set for a screening run of your crystal.
See for details.

Once you are happy with your settings, you can click Copy for the attenuation, file prefix, start angle, and distance to be copied into the dataset tab.

Eiger Collect Tab - Autostrategy


This will calculate a strategy to collect complete data on your crystal.
See for further details.

Note: This is rather slow, so best to use this as an indication of if you will get good completeness from a single Omega scan. Beware that it will overwrite your settings in the Collection tab, so check if you are happy with them before you collect.

Eiger Collect Tab - Collection


Once you are happy with your collection settings from Screening, you can fill in this tab to collect a Dataset.

See for more details.

Note: Very important to enter chemical formula! Just elements necessary. This means that the initial data solution of your structure will have the correct elements.

Eiger Collect Tab - Diagnostics


Checks some common reasons why a collection cannot or should not occur. Cryostream should be in pause for CX collections. If all is ok to collect data, the big circle will be Blue.



This is where you view your diffraction images.
It must be opened on the correct ADXV computer! On the beamlines, this is the extra screen to the right.
For remote access, open the connection with ADXV in the title.


Data Processing webpage


This is a list of every screen or dataset you have run. Open this webpage by opening a new tab and entering processing/processing, or via Quick Links, under “All processing results (dataset and indexing)”

When you click on any line, you will get statistics about the data, and the folder location of the processed data.

All processed data will be here:


Where $EPN is your experiment number, and $username is the username the data was collected under.

MX1 Controls - DAC centering


This is where you adjust the goniometer position and camera focus so that you can center and visualise the sample in a Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC), and set the correct dataset parameters to collect your data.

For more information, see

MX1 Controls - Cryo Temperature and MX2 Controls - New Cryo Options


This is where you control the sample temperature for any sort of variable temperature experiment. This includes a single temperature change, or a ramping experiment.

See for more details

MX1 Controls - LED


This is where you can control the LED and start automated photo-chemistry data collections.

See for more details.