CXASAP - serial data analysis
CXASAP is a software project designed to reduce the time required for analysis of serial crystallography experiments. Using a reference structure, it can refine, finalise and compare datasets from variable temperature, photocrystallography, or high-pressure experiments.
CXASAP runs via a terminal, where you will input instructions about the module or pipeline you want to run.
After it is installed (Instructions here), if you open a terminal, activate the virtual environment and run this command:
Read the output in the terminal and it will guide you how to run the code.
The general command line for running CXASAP looks like this:
cxasap pipeline-or-module --argument
The arguments you can run for each module or pipeline are:
--dependencies (this will tell you the required software for this code to run)
--files (will tell you the required file structure/input files)
--configure (will write the yaml file for this pipeline/module in the cx_asap folder where you installed CXASAP. You will then need to open it and fill out the relevant information for your experiment)
--run (will execute the code)
I want to run pipeline-refinement on a series of datasets.
First, I check the dependencies:
cxasap pipeline-refinement --dependencies
This will give the following text in the terminal:
Then I will check the files required:
Which will give me this:
Then I want o configure cxasap for this pipeline
Which will give me this in the terminal. This is a description of the fields that need to be filled out in the conf.yaml file.