High Throughput NEXAFS System
An inline high throughput NEXAFS chamber has been constructed upstream on the Imaging branchline. This chamber allows for batching of multiple samples for automatic scanning. The system is built for samples that are not compatible with ultra-high vacuum (samples can be scanned at a pressure of 10-6 mbar) and is ideal for beam sensitive samples.
Hemispherical Analyser (Auger Electron Yield mode)
Retarding Grid Analysers (Partial Electron Yield and Fluoresence Yield modes)
Drain Current
Sample Environment
High Vacuum (HV) environment, base pressure 1 × 10-7 mbar. Room temperature samples only
Preparation facilities
Flood gun
Sample transfer carousel
Easy sample loading
Batch scanning
Click here for information on safe transport and handling of samples.
Data analysis
Data formats
NEXAFS data from beamline software: *.mda, ASCII
Analysis software