Data and Analysis XFM
It is reasonable for inexperienced users to expect the beamline staff to assist with the first-round of the data analysis. This will generally involve using GeoPIXE to fit the fluorescence data.
Please feel free to contact us if you want help to refine your output, once you have a good idea of what you want to display for publication.
Data acquired using the Maia or Vortex detector
X-ray fluorescence data collected at XFM using the Maia and Vortex detectors can be analysed using GeoPIXE software. GeoPIXE has been developed by CSIRO and more information can be obtained from the GeoPIXE web-site.
GeoPIXE Data Analysis Workshop videos
Please visit the Workshop recordings on the Microscopy Group workshop page.
Also see the GeoPIXE help page for more information.
XFM users have free access to analyse their XFM data on GeoPIXE via web browser on the Australian Synchrotron’s ASCI computing platform.
XANES Analysis
Popular packages for data reduction include Athena and Artemis for data analysis. Further information and downloads (incl Athena, Artemis, and Hephaestus) can be found here: Demeter: XAS Data Processing and Analysis
A recent XANES analysis alternative is Larch. Larch — xraylarch 0.9.80 documentation
Online XANES Workshops and Tutorials
Helpful tutorials can be found online to assist with XAS data analysis. For example:
Software help with Athena/Atemis: Demeter: XAS Data Processing and Analysis
IFEFFIT mailing list: Info | -
A webpage sponsored by the International XAFS Society with a wealth of resources: —
Online Bruce Ravel XAS courses here:
and here: XAFS Education
Shelly Kelly et al. (2008) Soil Science Society of America, Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 5. Mineralogical Methods. Analysis of soils and minerals using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, Chapter 14.
Available online here: for Everyone (2013) by Scott Calvin
Downloading Data
Visit to learn how to download your data.
Data retention policy
Information on user data retention on the Australian Synchrotron’s scientific storage can be found here.