Beamline Specifications

Beamline Specifications

Main Experimental Techniques

Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARPES)

X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
Near Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (NEXAFS) in the following modes:

  • Total Electron Yield (TEY)

  • Partial Electron Yield (PEY)

  • Total Fluoresence Yield (TFY)

Instrument control

  • FMB Beamline Software and EPICS Qt framework (beamline control and NEXAFS measurement)

  • SPECSlab Prodigy (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy measurement)

  • LabVIEW (ARPES measurements)

Energy range

In order to achieve an x-ray beam of adequate stability and energy resolution, the energy range of the SXR beamline is restricted to 90-2500 eV.

The insertion device is a variable polarisation undulator, called an AppleII undulator, capable of supplying linear vertical, linear horizontal, left and right circularly polarised light. The device works in the 1st, 3rd and 5th harmonics. Elliptically polarising undulators are currently the most advanced general-purpose insertion devices. The provision of circularly polarised light ensures that the beamline is sufficiently flexible to cater for future developments in the scientific areas of interest to the Australian user community.

The resolving power of the SXR monochromator is 10,000, which is relatively easy to achieve with modern monochromators.


Beamline specifications


Elliptically polarised undulator

Energy range

 81 -2500 eV

Optimal Energy range

85 – 2000 eV

Resolution deltaE/E

Between 5000 and 10,000

Nominal beam size at sample (horizontal x vertical)


High throughput NEXAFS



0.15 mm by 0.05 mm

1 mm by 1 mm

Flux at 400 keV 

Between 3x1012 and 5 x1011 Photons/s/200mA at the sample


 Photon Source Specifications 


Elliptically Polarised Undulator
Full polarisation of the source






 2.012 m



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