Techniques XFM

Techniques XFM


XFM performs many techniques. See our XFM Beamline paper for more details.

  • 2D mapping

  • XANES imaging

  • line XANES

  • ptychography (see ptychography overview poster below)

The so-called dual mode technique uses the milliprobe and microprobe to scan different samples simultaneously. Generally larger, highly transmissive (T>95%) samples can be placed in the milliprobe and scanned at >100 micron resolution. The transmitted beam is then used for the microprobe for scanning at 2 micron resolution.

The layout of the XFM beamline experimental endstation.

A = quad diode BPM, B = SSA slits, C = milliprobe (with large object installed), D = removable helium flight tube, E = clean-up slits and ion chamber (not shown for clarity), F = KB mirror enclosure, G = Maia detector, H = SDD detector and I = Eiger detector.

For dual mode scanning, samples are placed at locations C and G.




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