Preparing your MEX proposal

Beamtime at the Australian Synchrotron is awarded is a competitive process. Beamtime applications are first vetted for technical feasibility and feasible proposals will be scored and ranked according to scientific merit, track record, need for synchrotron radiation, and clarity.

MEX1 Beamline covers 3.5 - 13.8 keV

MEX2 Beamline covers 1.8 - 3.2 keV.


All potential new users to the beamline must contact the beamline scientists well in advance of submitting their proposal in order to discuss feasibility and maximise their chances of success. Note, that the proposer / Principal Scientist on a proposal cannot be a student.

The MEX team has prepared proposal writing guidelines . Please ensure you read the entire document. Failure to follow these guidelines is likely to render your proposal uncompetitive.

It is vital that you submit the appropriate sample table with your proposal.