SAXS Protein proposals guidelines

SAXS Protein proposals guidelines

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Solution scattering experiments including proteins are now primarily supported by the BioSAXS beamline. Please contact the scattering team before submitting a proposal to decide which beamline to apply for.

The list of questions below are here to help you design a better SAXS experiment and should be cover in the proposal. Please contact beamline staff well in advance of the proposal deadline should additional assistance be required.

  • Why is a synchrotron required to do this measurement? Could these measurements be done on a laboratory instrument?

If you have preliminary laboratory instrument data available, it would be worth to include it in the proposal to demonstrate whether or not a laboratory instrument is adequate.

  • Do the samples need to be very dilute due to aggregation/oligomerisation concerns or limited quantity of samples?

If you have a case in which your sample needs to be highly diluted, please state it in the application.

  • Are the samples stable?

If they are too unstable for laboratory SAXS measurement will the samples be stable for synchrotron SAXS and why.

  • Is in-line SEC-SAXS analysis required?

Provide information on the protein compatibility with SEC in a given column. If you require SEC to resolve your specie of interest, please add the chromatogram to the proposal to prove it. Is the molecule or assembly stable under the chromatography conditions? **If a chromatography trace is available it is recommended to include this.

  • What concentrations are planned for the actual measurements?

This should be stated for both static and SEC analysis.

  • How many samples are expected to be analysed?

Calculation of the time required for the experiment should include set-up, sample running, sample change time, etc...

Further information is provided in the your /wiki/spaces/SAXS/pages/276987932.

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