MEX µProbe Commissioning Updates

This page contains notable milestones in the development of the MEX1 beamline’s scanning X-ray fluorescence (XRF) µProbe. While the details and achievements below are noteworthy, much remains to be done before the instrument can support a User program.


June 2024 - First Elemental Map

In mid-June, the MEX1 scanning µProbe produced its first elemental map (see below). This is a significant milestone for the MEX beamline, made possible through the collaborative efforts of scientists, mechanical, controls and software engineers.

1st map.png


May 2024 - First µ-focus.

With the Kirkpatrick–Baez mirror assembly returned to the beamline after undergoing repair, the team continued to work on forming a microfocus. The result of this commissioning activity is shown below. After carefully figuring the KB mirrors to form a demagnified image of the source an image of the microfocussed beam was recorded (Panel A). The X-ray beam was rendered visible to a beam viewing microscope (Panels B & C) courtesy of a lutetium aluminium garnet (LuAG(Ce)) scintillator crystal.


first microfocus.png


April 2024 - First coordinated XRF scanning.

Though still missing the horizontal focussing mirror (the HFM bender assembler is undergoing repair), the MEX1 scientists and engineers have demonstrated coordinated scanning of the sample stages (here, carrying a leaf) and the various detectors and cameras needed for User operations. This represents a 'dry run' for future capabilities.


January 2024 - KB mirror bender assembly off for repair

After developing an issue with one (of the 12 motors) that are used to position and carefully focus the x-ray beam, the horizontal mirror bender assembly is packed up and ready to ship to the UK.


August 2023 - Installation of the MEX1 µProbe inside the MEX1 hutch

<Pictures to come>