XFM Beamline

Welcome to the XFM beamline

The X-ray fluorescence microscopy beamline (XFM) is a hard X-ray beamline at the Australian Synchrotron and specializes in the spatially resolved detection of elements at the micrometre length scale, XANES imaging, large area elemental mapping and ptychography. 

The Table of Contents is on the left pane.

For information regarding applications for beam time, click here: Access information. 

Meet the team

We are happy to help with your questions regarding the beamline and what it can do for your science.  You can contact us all at as-xfm@ansto.gov.au or see the team members here.

XFM beamline paper

Our latest beamline paper was published in the Journal of Synchrotron Radiation.

It will answer many of your technical questions about the beamline. 

Please cite the beamline paper in your publications using XFM. You can download the paper below:

The Citation can be downloaded here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/action/showCitFormats?doi=10.1107%2FS1600577520010152

New to XRF?

You can download the useful "Theory of XRF" booklet from Panalytical as a start (requires registration).  It focuses on laboratory-based X-ray sources, rather than synchrotron.  Searching around the internet will likely turn up a copy without registering. 

View our beamline XRF overview poster below: