Travel Funding & Accommodation

Who is eligible for travel funding support?

Users who are travelling from:

·       Interstate (Australia)

·       New Zealand

·       Country Victoria (eligible for accommodation support only)

And have been awarded beamtime at the Australian Synchrotron via one of the following access routes:

·       Merit

·       MX CAP

·       MX Rapid Access

·       Preferred Access

The Australian Synchrotron will fund up to three Users per experiment. For further information refer to the ANSTO website.


Who is responsible for booking my travel?

Travel must be pre-booked by your organisation. Any travel-related expenses will be reimbursed upon completion of travel and the submission of a tax invoice to ANSTO Accounts Payable. Your travel funding approval letter will provide you with a funding allowance and specifics on what is required to be provided on the invoice.


IMPORTANT: Please do not pay for your own travel, we recommend submitting a request to your travel department, as reimbursement will only be made directly to your organisation and not the individual researcher.


How do I obtain a travel funding grant letter for my experiment?

Simply submit a travel funding and accommodation application via the ‘Travel Funding & Accomm’ tab of your Experiment Authorisation (EA).

Please ensure you nominate a funding contact for your experiment, so that the User Office may contact this person should we have any questions.

Once the application has been processed, a funding letter will be made available for download on this page. You will also receive an email from the User Office, once your application has been approved and processed.


Will the Australian Synchrotron cover the cost of a rental vehicle?

ANSTO provides travel funding support for successful beamtime applicants. If you are travelling from interstate (Australia). Users may  allocate funds towards the cost of a rental vehicle. Please be mindful that ANSTO will only reimburse up to the approved travel funding allowance.

For guidance on travel funding, please visit


Will the Australian Synchrotron cover fuel costs if I choose to drive my own vehicle for beamtime?

Users groups may allocate approved travel funds towards the cost of fuel to commute between their departure city and the Australian Synchrotron. ANSTO will only reimburse up to the approved travel funding allowance, stipulated at time of approval. There will be no allowance for local travel within your home city or in Melbourne.


I’m a New Zealand-based researcher, who will book my travel?

 ANSTO provides funding support for successful beamtime applicants in the form of travel funding and/or onsite accommodation.

 For users from New Zealand, the travel funding process is handled by the New Zealand Synchrotron Group (NZSG). Please proceed to their website for further information:

 Travel must be pre-booked by your organisation. Any travel-related expenses will be reimbursed upon completion of travel.

 IMPORTANT: Please do not pay for your own travel, we recommend submitting a request to your travel department, as reimbursement will only be made directly to your organisation and not the individual researcher.

 Accommodation applications should be submitted via the 'Travel Funding & Accom' tab of your Experiment Authorisation (EA).


How many rooms is my research group entitled to at the guesthouse?

 All interstate, country Victoria and New Zealand based Users are entitled to three standard rooms at the guesthouse per Merit visit. Accommodation is complimentary for the nights of your beamtime, plus two additional nights

 MX CAP groups are entitled to two standard rooms at the guesthouse per visit.

 Additional rooms and room upgrades to apartments, may be requested at time of booking, with research groups charged the nightly affiliated rate for that room type.