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Use the following spreadsheet as sample list for samples in capillaries. → Example Document
For liquid samples, please send us prefilled and labeled capillaries.
Contact the beamline team (contact details can be found here) to arrange pick up of capillary holders and drop off of samples in capillaries mounted in the provided holders.
Use the following guidelines for labeling and sample preparation:
Capillary dimensions
By using our standard capillary holders, the size of capillaries we can used is limited to a maximum diameter of 1.5 mm! We recommend using only 1.0 or 1.5 mm capillaries.
Sample preparation
- Prefill the capillaries and provide them sealed and labeled.
- mount your capillaries in the holder we provide you, in the order you want them analysed matching your spreadsheet. We are likely to use the position of the sample in the holder its primary identification. We might use labels on individual capillaries as a backup identifier, and may not use individual labels at all unless we need to.
- We recommend sealing capillaries. Use hotglue guns, BluTack, epoxy or any other non-leaking method of your choice.
- For temperature controlled samples preparation, please refer to the Important notes and exceptions section.
- Label each capillary with printed labels (labelmaker STRONGLY preferred!)
- Labels MUST be the same, and in the same order as in the google spreadsheet (according to position in capillary holder)
- Use simple labels (numbers, letters), no complicated sample descriptions
- We cannot guarantee to run poorly labelled capillaries supplied in bottles. Such cases could risk not being run
- Attach a photo for each capillary / a group of capillaries with visible labels, region of interest and description of preferred sample scans. Ideally, provide the preferred distance (millimeters) from the tip of the capillary for the position of interest of partially filled capillaries. Mark sample position in image and (if possible) on capillary.
Important notes and exceptions
On a case by case basis, there might be exceptions to the way we can run specific sample mounts and setups. This can include running capillary samples at high temperatures. This requires mounting samples in a special heating mount on site just prior to running the samples. There are 2 modes to run these samples with specific requirements in sample preparation:
- Capillary fully inserted in brass heating/cooling block = Capillary MUST be minimum HALF FILLED!
- Capillary sticking out of brass block (we tape over the bottom of the block so tip sits out in the analysis slot). SAXS shot through the bottom of the capillary = Capillary much be filled from the bottom for ~10 mm length.
We will run either mode 1 or 2, so the decision on which mode to run MUST be placed beforehand, there will be no combination of both!
Exceptions can also include running samples with specific sample preparation that needs to be freshly done before the measurement. Please inquire about these opportunities and arrange these ahead of your beamtime in conversation with the beamline team! Contact information can be found here.