GISAXS / GIWAXS samples Image Added
Use the following spreadsheet as sample list for grazing incident samples. → Link to Google doc!
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title | How to fill out the google spreadsheet for GISAXS / GIWAXS samples |
| - Sample name for each sample
- Information on how many shots per sample, critical incident angle, repeated analysis lateral spacing
- grazing incidence scattering will be assumed to require gapless detector mode, because most samples are produce anisotropic scattering.
- Information on preferred camera length and q-range necessary
- Include priorities of samples in sample list
- Exposure ( ? ) time?
- Every google doc must have same name as label on sample holder
- Note the estimated run time for each plate and design your experiment accordingly, especially in regard to the amount of samples!
For GISAXS / GIWAXS samples on waver follow the guidelines below: Waver dimensionsThe waver used for your samples should have the following dimensions: NK for details Labeling- Label the sample container (e.g. every wafer holder, every well in a well plate)
- label the bottom of every sample. Unlike other types of samples, hand written labels written in permanent marker are OK (stick-on labels on the bottom of samples could cause problems). Labeling he bottom of the sample is important to help us avoid mix-ups, and to confirm identity when loading AND unloading samples.
- Labels MUST be identical to names used in google spreadsheet
- If direction of measurement in relation to the X-ray beam matters, label the sample holder and the bottom of the sample clearly, with arrow pointing in X-ray direction(s).
Important notes!- ONLY measurements at ambient temperature are possible, NO high or low temperature measurements can be realised by mail-in.
- Samples MUST be compatible with vacuum conditions, ALL samples will be measured in our vacuum sample chamber. We cannot support solid-liquid GISAXS/GIWAXS by mail-in.
- Beamline scientist must be on site to exchange samples. Runtime is limited to standard working hours. Please consider sample amounts accordingly! Currently only 6 samples at a time can be loaded. Your mail-in beamtime allocation has been based around samples being run during day-shift hours.