Please ensure that you read the entire proposal guidelines document. Failure to follow these guidelines is likely to render your proposal uncompetitive.
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Does the experimental plan include a table of samples and experimental conditions as outlined in the guidelines? (example below)
If you have not used the XAS beamline over the past 3 years, have you contacted the beamline scientist team to discuss the feasibility of your experiment?
If you are proposing an experiment for Hutch C (non-standard experimental set-ups), have you contacted the beamline scientist team to discuss the feasibility of your experiment?
If you are applying for more than 6 shifts (2 days), are at least 3 people listed as attending?
The XAS Beamline operates across different energy “modes” (see Technical Information XAS and website). If you need access to absorption edges in different modes, please submit a separate proposal for each mode (e.g. Part 1, Part 2, containing different sample tables).