How to Complete the EA Sample Spreadsheet

How to Complete the EA Sample Spreadsheet

How to complete the EA Sample Spreadsheet

The EA sample spreadsheet template has been updated as of Run 1, 2022.

→ See ‘Example’ to view the changes at the end of this page.

Please note that the 2022 sample spreadsheet template asks for different information to the previous versions.

Instead of cloning previous spreadsheets to assist with EA submission, please ensure to transfer spreadsheet details into this new template.

  • Do not simply copy&paste from the old spreadsheet - check for the correct cell heading first.

  • If you do copy&paste information from a previous version spreadsheet, recommend paste special, paste values to maintain conditional formatting in the new sheet.

You must complete the following sections:

Sample Name: list each sample ( use a descriptive name and not generic ‘sample1’ for example or your EA may rejected) or chemical that you plan to use onsite for your scheduled experiment.

Physical, Health, and Environmental Hazards: for any sample with a Safety Data Sheet (SDS), you must list the appropriate Hazard Statement code/s in the relevant columns (Physical, Health and Environmental statement) e.g. the sample is fatal if swallowed, “H300”, so type H300 under the ‘Health Hazards’ heading.

Additional Hazards: you must mark each relevant box with an ‘x' per sample/chemical. Note, you cannot mark a chemical or sample as ‘No Hazards’ if there are hazards associated with the sample/chemical. Use your EA form to outline the mitigations in place to minimise the risks of the sample/chemical hazards that you are bringing onsite.

Hazard Statements and Carcinogens

The new EA sample spreadsheets have two additional sheets:

see spreadsheet tabs -

Higher risk haz. statements

Hazard Statements are assigned to a hazard class or category and describe the nature of a chemical hazard, including where appropriate the degree of a hazard. They can be found on the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) or chemical label.

ANSTO has highlighted some Hazard Statements as higher risk and these chemicals/samples may require closer examination before they are allowed onsite. These flagged hazard statements are listed in this tab; you can also click here.

Prohib. Restrict. Carcinogens

This sheet contains a list of prohibited and restricted carcinogens. If your sample includes one of these carcinogens, you must speak with beamline staff before your experiment.

Prohibited carcinogens; their use is PROHIBITED onsite. These chemicals cannot be purchased, stored or used onsite. 

Restricted carcinogens; Work Health and Safety Regulators of the Commonwealth and all states require a site authorisation (permit) for the use, handling or storage of all Restricted Carcinogens. This includes Cyclophosphamide for all sites covered by the Commonwealth authority, Comcare, which includes ANSTO Australian Synchrotron.

To see the list of prohibited and restricted carcinogens, click here.


If any box on the spreadsheet turns yellow or orange, you must consult your beamline scientist or Safety team about your experiment before submitting your EA.

Yellow: review Biological Hazards & Controls page for more information and contact beamline staff and the Labs team (Clare Scott, clares@ansto.gov.au).

Orange: review the Prohib. Restric. Carcinogens tab and contact beamline staff.

If any box on the spreadsheet turns red, where possible you must submit an SDS for that chemical as part of your EA form submission (it is understood that lab-made samples for example do not have official SDSs).

Red: review the Higher risk haz. statements tab and outline mitigations to reduce the risks of the hazard for use of this substance onsite at ANSTO.


Example Sample Spreadsheet

The relevant cells in the spreadsheet will change colour automatically, indicating to researchers that they must contact beamline staff to discuss risk assessments for the hazardous substances.

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