Sending Samples to the Australian Synchrotron

Sending Samples to the Australian Synchrotron

Please follow the instructions on how to send samples to the Australian Synchrotron. All packages need to be addressed to the PD beamline and have the EA number clearly visible as without these there may be a delay in sample receival.

Only send or drop off samples when your EA has been approved otherwise they may be sent back to you

Only send or drop off samples when your EA has been approved otherwise they may be sent back to you

Only send samples when your EA has been approved

All samples must arrive at least 2 working days prior to the date of scheduled beamtime otherwise they will be run during the following scheduled beamtime.

All samples must arrive at least 2 working days prior to the date of scheduled beamtime otherwise they will be run during the following scheduled beamtime.

PD will check all sample pins have been returned, and all samples are labelled correctly when the sample box is received. The samples will not be run unless all pins are returned.

The PD team have to right to delay running samples if all samples pins are not returned to the AS.

The PD team are not responsible for any capillaries that are received broken or capillaries that break during analysis.

The PD team are not responsible for incorrectly labelled samples, or information incorrectly entered by the user into the robot spreadsheet.

Local User Drop Off

Local users can give samples directly to the Stores from 8am to 3pm Monday to Friday. Security will advise you where to go to deliver the samples once onsite. You should plan on delivering samples at least 2 working days before the day of the experiment.

Please ensure the samples have a visible EPN and site contact information (PD beamline).


All samples need to be sent according to Australian and international transportation regulations. There is a return shipping address included in the sample preparation kit.


Address to send samples:


Attention: PD Beamline

Experiment Proposal Number (EPN): → Don’t forget to fill this in

ANSTO - Australian Synchrotron

800 Blackburn Rd

Clayton VIC 3168



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