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An experiment specific spreadsheet, to be used as sample list, will be sent out to you prior to your scheduled beamtime.

Use the following spreadsheet as an example for grazing incident samples.  → Example Document

Prepare one google document for ALL samples! Prepare single sheets within the document for each holder!

  • Enter all the key information in the google spreadsheet. It will help beamline staff avoid duplication, errors and misunderstandings. The spreadsheets aim to be a single, comprehensive location of the critical information we need to run each sample. 
  • Samples in the order listed (from top to bottom). Lines with the sample name field left empty are skipped by the beamline, so that you can have gaps in the list that way.
  • Sample name for each sample
  • Information on how many shots per sample, critical incident angle, repeated analysis lateral spacing
  • grazing incidence scattering will be assumed to require gapless detector mode, because most samples are produce anisotropic scattering.
  • Information on preferred camera length and q-range necessary
  • Include priorities of samples in sample list
  • Exposure time (seconds)
  • Every google doc must have same name as label on sample holder
  • Note the estimated run time for each plate and design your experiment accordingly, especially in regard to the amount of samples! This estimate does NOT include sample / plate changeover and mounting times!

Example below or download Example Spreadsheet here: → Example Document

For GISAXS / GIWAXS samples on waver follow the guidelines below:

Waver dimensions

The waver used for your samples should have the following dimensions:

2cm x 2cm ?


  • Label the sample container (e.g. every wafer holder, every well in a well plate)
  • label the bottom of every sample. Unlike other types of samples, hand written labels written in permanent marker are OK (stick-on labels on the bottom of samples could cause problems). Labeling he bottom of the sample is important to help us avoid mix-ups, and to confirm identity when loading AND unloading samples.
  • Labels MUST be identical to names used in google spreadsheet
  • If direction of measurement in relation to the X-ray beam matters, label the sample holder and the bottom of the sample clearly, with arrow pointing in X-ray direction(s). 

Important notes!

  • ONLY measurements at ambient temperature are possible, NO high or low temperature measurements can be realised by mail-in.
  • Samples MUST be compatible with vacuum conditions, ALL samples will be measured in our vacuum sample chamber. We cannot support solid-liquid GISAXS/GIWAXS by mail-in.
  • Beamline scientist must be on site to exchange samples. Runtime is limited to standard working hours. Please consider sample amounts accordingly! Currently only 6 samples at a time can be loaded. Your mail-in beamtime allocation has been based around samples being run during day-shift hours.