Must be in English.
Printed on the manufacturer’s letterhead
The letterhead must include both the company name and address in text format; logos alone are insufficient.
Signed and dated by an employee, with their full name, position, and title in the company.
Issued and dated within the last six months.
Must include a reference to the waybill number (FedEx or DHL).
For companies using DHL, please make sure to address the following:
If the document is multipage, number all pages and reference the waybill number on each page.
Must clearly state the identity and origin of the shipment:
Animal (state full scientific name)
Plant (state the full botanical/scientific name – including Genus and Species)
Microbial (state full scientific name)
100% Synthetic
Brand New (empty containers must not contain heparin/biological materials)
For biological materials, include:
Include 100% ingredients list with percentages by dry weight.
Include Processing details (e.g., heated, cooked, or baked at specific temperatures)
End use/intended use of the goods (if for testing must state what type of testing)