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  • This line was added.
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At the Synchrotron

1. Download frames

On the MX windows CrysalisPro processing box, log in via these credientials:

User: mxuser

Password: Beam109Line

via filezilla or similar program, download the frames of the experiment. Instructions

They are in .h5 files, each of which contains 200 egier frames (20 degrees usually). 


where $EPN and $username are the experiment number and the user name, respectively. 

You will need each of the .h5 files, including the master file, for each experiment. 

Make a new folder for each dataset you are processing. If you want to process more than one wedge of data at a time, put all of the frames in the same folder.

At Home

1. Download frames

Via filezilla or similar program, download the frames of the experiment. Instructions

Frames in folder: /data/mx/EPN/frames/$username/d

where $EPN and $username are the experiment number and the user name, respectively. 

Frames are in .h5 files, each of which contains 200 eiger frames (20 degrees). 

You will need each of the .h5 files, including the master file, for each experiment. 

It is a good idea to make a new folder for each collection, if you didn't do this during data collection.  If you want to process more than one wedge of data at a time, put all of the frames in the same folder.

2. Convert h5 files to cbf (on windows computer at MX1)

  • On the desktop, open the shortcut

  • Fill in the boxes with information about your frames. If you are going to import more than one wedge of data into CAP, you will need to add the wedge number to the end of your output file prefix. Eg, for wedge 1, name the output “output_1” and for wedge 2, name it “output_2”. This means that CAP will read them in as runs 1 and 2 automatically.

  • Click start. The frames will start converting. When an info box pops up saying “Program completed successfully!”, your frames are ready to open with CrysalisPro. If you are doing more than one wedge/run, you will need to convert each one individually. You can click “Edit” to select the master file for the next run and give it the subsequent wedge name in the output prefix field.


If you want to run eiger2cbf manually so you can select which frames to convert, eiger2cbf is in the PATH, so open a terminal and type eiger2cbf. See eiger2cbf GitHub for instructions.

2. Convert h5 files to cbf (at home)

Things you will need:

Option 1: Via terminal

In the folder for a collection/dataset:

  • Open a terminal

    python [name of master h5 file] [number of instances to spawn] [filename stem for CBF]

  • Unless is in the same folder, you will need to include the path to it in the command. 

  • In general, use 17 instances to spawn. If you add test to the end of the above command, it will tell you the fastest number of instances to spawn. 

  • If you are going to import more than one wedge of data into CAP, you will need to add the wedge number to the end of the filename stem for CBF. Eg, for wedge 1, enter “output_1” and for wedge 2, name it “output_2”. This means that CAP will read them in as runs 1 and 2 automatically.

  • For example:

    python "C:\Users\Documents\eiger2cbf\" Thr_1_7s_Om180_K0_P0_0018_master.h5 17 Thr_1_7s_1

Option 2: Via Graphical User Interface (GUI)

You will also need a script which launches a GUI.

View file

For this GUI to work, you will also need:

Code Block
pip install gooey
  • The script saved to your C drive (or you can edit the path to in the directly)

To run the GUI, go to the folder where is saved, open a terminal there and run:

Code Block

This should pop up with a GUI. If it doesn’t, there is an error with the script or how it is set up. See instructions for running the script manually above.

CrysalisPro data processing (at Home and Synchrotron)

3. Importing data

  • Open an offline copy of CAP (use any old dataset to get it open). There is one saved called run1 in Documents on the Windows computer on MX1.

  • Open the import icon on the left

  • Use the known image format

  • Choose Dectris. A box will pop up to import your frames. Browse to the folder with your cbf files and select the first frame of the first run. It should automatically find the last file. eg, below the last frame ends in 2000700.cbf because it is the 700th frame of Run 2. When you are happy with this, click Save run file.

  • The program will then popup a box showing the parameters that it has found in the master file, which can be changed here if they are incorrect (they are correct in this example).

  • The program will then generate frame aliases, and finally popup a window so the newly created dataset can be opened in CAP

  • Click “Open selected”, or double click the line.

  • You will then get an alert to set basic settings for the experiment:

  • Click OK, then on the next window, click “Edit options”:

  • It is usually sensible to turn on “Smart background during reflection integration” and “Single wavelength data red”

4. Indexing

If there are strong rings from the gaskets, they can be masked. 

  • Right click on the diffraction image and select "Skip d-value overlay", and “Line select (for skip d-value)”

  • Then left click and drag over a section of the gasket ring, and right click and select "skip d value". A ring should show up that overlays the gasket ring. This will act as a mask and ignore that diffraction. 

If the DAC is not facing the beam directly as Omega = 0, you need to change the value of Omega in Instrument settings to the angle at which the DAC is directly facing the beam. 

Peak hunting as normal

Unit cell finding as normal

Inspect Ewald sphere to see if cell looks sensible. If you know a cell which it should be and it has not been found. Click Lattice and enter the cell. 

5. Data reduction with options

All as normal except for:

Step 3:

Edit special parameters

select: HP opening angle (40), reject reflection with bad profile

ALT-E, select: Mosaicity from 2D profile

Step 4:

Smart background, range = 3

Step 5:

Use friedel mates as equivalent. Unless it is chiral. 

Step 6:

Space group determination, select Manual. An enter your chemical formula.

Wait for awhile... until space group determination box pops up. 

6. Space group determination

(Basically the same thing as going through xprep)

In E2-1 tab, check the E*E-1 values. If there are diamond peaks overlapping with sample peaks, the values will be much higher. 

7. Data reduction - Inspect data reduction results

Look at what resolution the rint gets too high (~0.44). This will be where to cut the data. 


Under Filters and limits, select Manual. Enter the resolution limit chosen above. 

Select Export options, and select Export sadabs .raw

Change the name of the output file if wish. 

7a. Merging

Different runs can only be processed together in CrysalisPro if the orientation matirx is the same. Aka, if the goniometer wasn't moved between collections. So you can process Wedge 1 and 2 together, or Wedge 3 and 4, or Wedge 5 and 6.

This means that if Kappa or Phi were moved, and you had to recenter the crystal, you can't merge in CAP (investigation ongoing to see if we can get around this).


Read in multiple raw files into sadabs and process as normal. 


Put hkls together in a new folder and merge as normal. 

8. Solving data

Use ambient model

Get the ins file from the ambient dataset (if space group and unit cell the same). Or a previous solution with the same unit cell and space group. 

Copy from the SFAC command to the end. 

In the new ins file for the HP dataset, delete everything from SFAC down and replace with ambient ins file. 

Open in Olex and refine as normal. Usually a good idea to remove Hydrogens and make unisotropic before first refinement. 

9. Refinement

Check Fobs/Fcalc. Should be a straight line. 

If it is flattening out at the top it means it was overexposed. Trying applying extinction to address this.

Check the Normal Probability graph. Reflections not nicely on the line can be omitted. Check where they were in the Fobs vs Fcalc, and see if the Fobs vs Fcalc is closer to being a straight line.